Aug 12, 2010

English Football Players and Sex Scandals

Recognize these pretty faces below? And do you see something wrong with them? Of course not, because they all are nearly perfect for most of us. But why Abigail Clancy, Toni Poole, Elen Rives, and Cheryl Tweedy had to experiencing the bitterness of being cheated by English National Football Players?

Well, the answer is quite simple. Because these idiots who cheated from them: Peter Crouch, John Terry, Frank Lampard, and Ashley Cole, they all want to having sex with other women for fun, but in the other hand they don't want to break up from their WAG's in the name of love.

The beauties, from left: Abbey Clancy, Toni Poole, Elen Rives, and Cheryl Tweedy

The idiots, from left: Peter Crouch, John Terry, Frank Lampard, Ashley Cole

This is the quick resume of their scandals:

1. Peter Crouch cheated from his fiancee, Abbey Clancy, with some hooker named Monica Mint in July 2010.
Result: Clancy was furious and Crouch asked for forgiveness, let's wait...

2. John Terry cheated from his wife, Toni Poole, with his wife's best friend, Vanessa Peroncel in September 2009.
Result: Terry was removed as English captain, and Toni decided to gave him "one last chance".

3. Frank Lampard left his ex-fiancee who given him two daughters, Elen Rives, for a millionaire's daughter Saskia Boxford in February 2009.
Result: Rives making a lot of money from Lampard as a "setlement fees" for their daughters, and Lampard was moving on, since October 2009 he dating presenter Christine Bleakley.

4. Ashley Cole cheated from his wife, Cheryl Tweedy, with hairdresser Aimee Walton in 2008. Over the next two years, another five women admitted to having some form of relationship with the Chelsea footballer.
Result: Cheryl still gave Cole her forgiveness for the first time, but not in the second time. Their divorce is still in proggress at this moment.

Oh yeah, did I mention that these footballers are part of English National Team? Even their former skipper David Beckham once cheated from Victoria Beckham to some secretary named Rebecca Loos. Not to mention English striker, Jermaine Defoe, also have so many girls, from Danielle Lloyd, Chantelle Houghton, and Charlotte Mears.

And you still wondering why England never won any major tournament since 1966??

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