Apr 3, 2011

Necessary Equipments for Hiking

One of the purposes why we created this blog is to show that sport is also entertaining, thus we're encouraging everyone to do a regular exercise for a healthy lifestyle. If you're bored, forget about gym or home treadmill for a while. Sport is meant to done under shining sun or cold breeze, not inside a room with air conditioner. Try hiking for a change!

Hiking is an outdoor activity with multiple benefits. Besides for sport, you can also enjoy the beauty of nature. But remember, although fun, hiking can also become a dangerous activity. When dealing with wild environment, hikers need to be well equipped to reduce the hazards. These are some equipments that can't be missed for hiking:
  • Clothing, including hiking boots, cap, handkerchief, rain jacket, socks, sun glasses.
  • Navigation gears, including map, compass, binoculars, radio, GPS if possible.
  • Tools, such as rope, pocket knife, flashlight, matches, first aid kit, walking stick.
  • Foods and drinks, including canteen, utensil, cooking pot, water purifier, fishing hook.
  • Tent and sleeping bag.

Speaking of clothing, what you need to get first is a descent hiking boots. These are your primary pieces of outdoor gear, which will protect your feet from the possible damage that nature can do to your feet.

You can search for various hiking & daywalking footwear in www.kathmandu.com.au. This online store also provides other outdoor equipments, such as sleeping gear, tent, lighting, and other accessories, with a very reasonable prices.

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